- 根据儿童可能摄取的程度,玩具材料被分为以下三类:
- 第一类 – 干燥、易碎、粉末状或柔韧的玩具材料
- 第二类 – 液态和粘性玩具材料
- 第三类 – 可以刮去的玩具材料
- 测试对象包括19项化学物质. (详情请点击:Migration Limits from Toy Materials.gif)
- 新标准制定的钡元素的迁移量限值比指令规定要低。
- 第一类和第二类玩具材料中的六价铬的迁移量限值太低,无法用EN71-3:2013的测试方法检测出,因此,必须通过其它方法证明其符合性要求。
- 新标准删除了分析校正因子的应用。
- 在前一版本中,只有经分析校正系数修正后的分析结果才能用于判断产品的符合性。就是说,玩具材料的分析结果必须经过分析校正系数修正后仍超过限值,才会被视为不符合。
- 新标准要求实验室以其自身的不确定度来评定测试材料是否符合要求。

EN 71-3:2013 supporting the new chemical requirements of the EU Toys Safety Directive, which has come into force from 20 July 2013.
The main changes and issues are as follows::
Toy materials are now divided into three categories, as follows, based on their type, which determines the extent to which they may be ingested by the child.
- Category I - Dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable materials
- Category II - Liquid or sticky materials
- Category III - Scraped-off materials
- Testing now includes 19 elements. (Found the attachment:Migration Limits from Toy Materials.gif. )
Barium migration limits have been reduced from those in the Directive.
The migration limits for chromium (VI) in Categories I and II toy materials are too low to be measured directly by the new EN 71-3 test method. Hence other means will have to be used to demonstrate compliance.
The large analytical correction factor applied has been deleted.
Under the previous version, only the adjusted analytical result was used to verify compliance. That is, for a toy material to be deemed non-compliant, the analytical result had to exceed the migration limit by such a considerable margin that it still exceeded the migration limit after subtraction of the analytical correction factor.
Laboratories now have to determine their measurement uncertainty and use it to interpret whether their analytical result shows compliance with the migration limit.
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DEKRA SE is one of the world’s leading expert organizations. The company currently runs activities in more than 50 countries. Over 28,000 employees are committed to ensuring long-term safety, quality and environmental protection. The DEKRA Business Units “Automotive”, “Industrial” and “Personnel” provide professional and innovative services in the fields of vehicle inspections, expert appraisals, international claims management, consulting, industrial testing, product testing, certification, environmental protection, qualification, temporary work as well as outplacement and new placement. In 2011, DEKRA generated sales totaling around EUR2 billion.
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